Wednesday, March 9, 2011

5 Easy Ways to Boost Self Esteem

    5 Proven Ways to Boost Self Esteem & Confidence 

    Try these techniques and allow your mind, body and spirit to work together as one to boost your self-esteem and your confidence.  

    - Norm Caldwell ~ CHT, Director of Simply Success Now



  1. Do unto others. 
    Always be willing to speak highly of others. Look for their good points.

  2. Don't sit on the fence. 
    Make a decision, right or wrong... most of the time it will be right, even if you are wrong, you'll feel better than if you put it off.

  3. Say good things about yourself. 
    Compliment yourself and allow others to do so, a pat on the back builds confidence.

  4. Tying up loose ends. 
    If you broke a promise or agreement, apologize and explain truthfully why you couldn't carry through.

  5. Thank you goes a long way. Say thank you for deeds done. People remember that and will help in the future.

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